Pythagoras Quotes – Wisdom From Antiquity

Today we explore quotes about life from another thought leader of antiquity: Pythagoras.
Most know of Pythagoras from his geometric Pythagorean Theorem. Today we’ll explore his quotes about leadership, mathematics, philosophy, science, music, education, and politics.
I’ve attempted to verify Pythagoras as the author of these quotes. It is possible that some quotes attributed to Pythagoras are misattributed. If you feel that’s the case, let me know.
Let’s begin!
Born around the year 570, Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek thinker, mathematician, astronomer, and music theorist.
He established a school in Magna Graecia, now southern Italy, called the “Pythagorean School,” where his disciples studied a variety of disciplines, including maths, music, astronomy, and philosophy.
As I mentioned, the “Pythagorean Theorem” is one of the most well-known theorems in mathematics, stating that in any right angle, the area of the diagonal equals the sum of the other two areas. He also believed in the soul’s reincarnation and the necessity of spiritual and moral cleanliness.
Enjoy these timeless quotes and insights from Pythagoras!
Pythagoras Leadership Quotes:
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
“The mark of a good leader is loyal followership.”
“The wise leader is not afraid to admit his or her mistakes.”
“A leader must be just and fair in all dealings.”
“The true leader leads by example, not by force.”
“The leader who seeks power for personal gain is not a true leader.”
“The leader who seeks the good of the whole is a true leader.”
“The leader must be a servant to those he or she leads.”
“The leader must be able to communicate effectively.”
“The leader who inspires others to greatness is the greatest leader of all.”
Pythagoras Quotes About Mathematics
“All things are numbers.”
“Number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and demons.”
“The universe is a harmonious whole, made up of interrelated and interdependent parts.”
“The whole universe is a musical instrument, whose harmony is dependent on the strings that vibrate within it.”
“The Pythagorean theorem is the most famous theorem in mathematics, but it is only a small part of the Pythagorean philosophy.”
“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.”
“Mathematics is the language of nature, and nature is the embodiment of mathematical principles.”
Pythagorean Quotes about Philosophy
“Man, know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and the gods.”
“The most important thing in life is to strive for spiritual and moral purity.”
“The soul is immortal, and its journey continues after death.”
“The mind is the master of the body, and the soul is the master of the mind.”
“Happiness is not a destination, but a journey.”
“The path to wisdom begins with humility.”
“The essence of wisdom is to know the limits of one’s knowledge.”
“The key to wisdom is self-knowledge.”
Pythagorean Quotes About Science
“Observation is the key to scientific discovery.”
“The study of nature is the study of the divine.”
“The universe is governed by laws, which are written in the language of mathematics.”
“The laws of nature are immutable and eternal.”
“The cosmos is a vast laboratory, in which the laws of nature are constantly being tested.”
“Science without philosophy is like a ship without a compass.”
Pythagoras Quotes About Music
“Music is the medicine of the soul.”
“Music has the power to heal, to calm, and to inspire.”
“The highest form of music is the music of the spheres, the cosmic harmony that permeates the universe.”
“The beauty of music is that it speaks directly to the heart, bypassing the intellect.”
“Music is the art of the prophets, the only art that can calm the agitations of the soul.”
“Music is the purest form of expression, the language of the heart and the soul.”
Pythagoras Quotes About Education
“Education is the key to enlightenment.”
“The purpose of education is not to fill the mind with facts, but to teach the mind how to think.”

“The true teacher is not the one who imparts knowledge, but the one who inspires the student to learn.”
“The best way to learn is by doing.”
“Learning is a lifelong process.”
“The greatest obstacle to learning is the belief that one already knows.”
I hope you enjoyed the wisdom of Pythagoras. We packed a lot into this short article. Which of Pythagoras quotes did you like the best? How will you apply the principle in your life? Share in the comments section below.
If you’re looking for more information about Pythagoras, check out the FAQ below.
Make it a great day!
FAQ about Pythagoras and his Leadership Philosophies
Q: Who was Pythagoras?
A: Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician born on the island of Samos around 570 BCE. He founded a school in southern Italy, known as the Pythagorean school, where he taught his followers a range of subjects, including mathematics, music, astronomy, and philosophy.
Q: What were Pythagoras’s leadership philosophies?
A: Pythagoras believed that a good leader should be just, fair, and wise. He emphasized the importance of leading by example, and not by force.
He also believed in the importance of servant leadership, where the leader serves the needs of those he or she leads. Pythagoras believed that a leader must have good communication skills and inspire others to greatness.
Q: What lessons can we learn from Pythagoras’s leadership quotes?
A: Pythagoras’s leadership quotes teach us that a good leader should be just, fair, and wise.
They also teach us the importance of leading by example, serving the needs of those we lead, and inspiring others to greatness.
Pythagoras’s leadership philosophy emphasizes the importance of putting the good of the whole above personal gain and using effective communication skills to lead.